In a poignant display of empathy and solidarity, Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently engaged in a heartfelt interaction with a delegation representing the Sikh and Hindu communities of Afghanistan. The following transcript is derived from a YouTube video shared by Prime Minister Modi’s official channel, translated from Hindi to English using Software. The dialogue captures the essence of the Prime Minister’s compassionate outreach and underscores the enduring bonds between India and its global diaspora.
“Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh
I address you not only as the Prime Minister of India but as a representative of humanity. Prime Minister, you possess a unique ability to comprehend the struggles of Hindu and Sikh communities wherever they reside. Your empathetic gaze, Prime Minister, extends far beyond borders, resonating deeply with the pain and aspirations of all Hindustanis worldwide.
I vividly recall the moment when you, Prime Minister, entrusted Mr. Hardeep Puri and Mr. Manjinder Singh Sirsa with the responsibility to convey our reverence for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj. Your gesture, honoring the sacred scriptures with utmost respect, symbolized the reverence and unity cherished by our communities.
Allow me to express our profound gratitude, Prime Minister. The individuals gathered here are testament to the resilience of those who endured the trials of conflict. Your unwavering support has provided them with a sanctuary, where they can rebuild their lives with dignity and hope.
I am acutely aware, Prime Minister, of the deep-rooted respect for Afghanistan among its Hindu inhabitants. Their pride in being Afghan resonates with the rich tapestry of the nation’s identity. Your gesture of presenting this worn-out cloth holds profound significance, evoking immense joy, particularly for Karzai Saheb.
In your benevolence, Prime Minister, you have bestowed upon us more than mere hospitality. You have opened the doors of your home and your heart to us, affirming our place in the fabric of India. Your words resonate with sincerity, conveying equal measures of love and respect for every individual, regardless of origin.
As we stand before you today, Prime Minister, our purpose is simple: to express our gratitude for your unwavering support during our darkest hours. Your presence during the tumultuous times in Afghanistan remains etched in our memories, a testament to the enduring friendship between our nations.
I recall with fondness the day when I addressed the parliament in Kabul, sharing my admiration for Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan. Your desire to witness his legacy firsthand deeply touched the hearts of the Afghan people, fostering a bond of mutual respect and admiration.
In conclusion, Prime Minister, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support and solidarity. Your actions exemplify the spirit of unity and compassion that transcends borders, fostering a world where every individual is valued and respected.”
Prime Minister Modi’s interaction with the Afghan Sikh Hindu delegation epitomizes the values of empathy, solidarity, and inclusivity. Through his compassionate outreach, he reaffirms India’s commitment to supporting and uplifting communities in need, fostering a world where every individual is embraced with love and respect.